Copyright Jeanette Krzyzek Photography
Copyright Jeanette Krzyzek Photography
Copyright Jeanette Krzyzek Photography
I finally got my dream of moving onto a farm.... a little farm. In just 1 year we:
-bought a 2 acre fixer upper farm, pouring blood, sweat and tears into it
-bought chicks, ducks, and guinea hens, turkeys raising them under lights
-bought a stubborn lamb and even more stubborn goat
-received the gift of two Holstein cows
-brought home two mini pigs
-experienced 5 piglets entering this world
-got one rambunctious farm dog to rule them all
-wrote my first book
-and recognized one Great God for all those blessings
By year 3 we:
-renovated most of the house
-brought our first lamb into the world
-helped deliver 5 more litters of piglets
-expanded the garden to 1500 square feet
-butchered our own meat
-wrote my second book
-started supporting new farming families with our experiences

Copyright Jeanette Krzyzek Photography